Wednesday, June 22, 2011

RPG Idea and a Word I Remembered

Holy crap my friends!  It seems inspiration has hit us in these past couple of days.  Here is the long-ass post I composed for you!

This time I post as with every other time I have posted, it is the middle of my night.  On a schedule where 7pm-7am is when I'm awake and the time after is generally consumed by sleep, It is 0825am.  But In this hour or in the minutes past I have done a bit of thinking!

I was thinking about the creation that some of our friends have endeavored to create- An RPG! A thing we had only dreamed of creating earlier in life - now a possibility!  Perhaps it's still a pipe dream or a fleeting whim partially made manifest, but perhaps it will be the greatest of it's kind! Better even than Tales of Game's Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa

While cutting my hair earlier, I was thinking about how another RPG could set itself apart - or try to.  The RPG I wanted to make seemed like it could be different enough- turn based and all about fighting styles and combos...  Last I heard, currently the battle format of your game is rather standard as is natural when a game just starts out- there will be defaults.

I was wondering if it'd be feasible or even fun if in an RPG, the characters acted somewhat like Advance Wars units in battle.  In Advance Wars, as your units get hurt, they are literally weakened.  The numbers dwindle and with the loss of units so goes the loss of firepower.  I think it'd be interesting if something like that were to happen in an RPG with people.  As the fighters get hurt, they lose attack power.  Kinna like in real life, as a fight goes on, the blows thrown get weaker, the speed of attacks fall, even taking hits later on hurts more due to the effects of adrenaline wearing off.  I realize in many games HP is representative of a unit's stamina, but I was thinking HP could have a direct effect on the Attack stat or there could be a stat like Stamina that would be damaged separate from HP and would affect attack and defense.  The effect of course being: when HP/Stamina drops, Attack power and/or defense drops.  When HP/Stamina is recovered, Attack power and defense is recovered.  There could also be the reverse of this in a Berzerker type character.

In Advance Wars, the way of recovering from losing your attack power is to garrison in a building of some kind.  I haven't thought of an equivalent way of recovery that seems reasonable.  First thoughts were defending to recover HP or stamina... or... energy drinks or some item like that maybe even passing on a turn.  The hero(es) could also potentially gradually heal while walking around outside of battle.

I have neglected to mention that I think such a system should also affect monsters/enemies  Maybe not bosses?  They gotta be tougher than your average joe, right?  Perhaps they'd just have a weaker correlation between their stats or much more HP.  Maybe it'd even depend on the types of enemies!  Machines and robots are known for not having a weakness known as stamina.  They could perhaps have fuel instead- like the mechs in Xenogears. 

I'm also curious to know if you guys know if you want to implement random battles or show monsters outside of battle?  I'd love learn more about the plans in this project and ask more questions!

I realize that implementing many of my ideas are beyond starter capabilities, but they're just ideas that I had.  It could very well be quite un-fun mechanic or a terribly annoying thing to manage.  And that really isn't acceptable for a game.

Now to talk about a word I remembered.

On an unrelated note, while stringing a number of words that rhymed, my brain stumbled upon the word "Recalcitrant."  When I realized what I had said, I had to look it up to see if it was even a word!  I felt that surely this word has something to do with... ionno calcium deposits?  Incorrect.


Adjective: Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority.
Noun: A person with such an attitude.

Such a word has been buried in my subconcious for who knows how long and I fear that it currently holds sway within the functions of the rest of the organ that houses it.  I am not in a job where such an attitude would benefit the greater whole.  I am sure I am currently recalcitrant... but I hope this mindset doesn't stick with me come the time where I should have a job where I am replaceable - or at least fire-able.

Dem Tracks, Man.

When I heard that Classified track "Maybe It's Just Me" and that Kanye track "G.O.O.D. Friday" I had them on repeat for at least the rest of the day that I found them.  "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" wasn't a song like I was hoping and I've forgotten every word in it save the title, but it resonated with me greatly while I played Brink (playing on the rebel side).  The rest of the tracks I still need to listen to.  Also that video encouraging play...I might remember bits of that forever.  Those TED talks are awesome~

Another thing I came across- likely through a site about game news was this this videogame movie:

Indie Game: The Movie Official Trailer from IndieGame: The Movie on Vimeo.

This video was of course found at

and just now I found this:

I also watched some developers play and give commentary on their game Magicka here's the first episode:

I am now sick of my going off on several tangents.

Take care friends. It's now 0958 on my watch.

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