Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Names Conference

I declare that we should all have a moniker. It must be approved by every contributor of this here blog.

Here's some ideas I got for everyone. Just drop some so we can narrow down to poll.

Arian- Sunny, sunweezy, Sunny D, SkyLink, Pink Ranger (or Yellow)
Parker- Niggapino, NP, sirHC Valet, Ofcourse of the Black Ranger, Zack
Tim- TimboSlice, ChrisRedfield, UltimateEnd, Tan Ranger
Gabe- Vainglorious, Souperflip, Zero, Shoryuken, Green Ranger
James- PlusOne, Donny, Urien, ThongMaster, ChariotRush, Hulk Green Ranger
John- Jweezy, Apparently known as Matthew, Frog, Citan Proximity Mines, White Ranger
Jayar- Racleo, Rocket, SmashLeo, BlackOp, Lord Zed
Christian- Billy, Dante, PKFire, Blue Ranger

1 comment:

  1. You forgot

    Arian-ClobberingtimeCato, TemptationArian
    John-110, BlackMamba, DonJohn
    James-KidCrush, Littlefoot,
    Tim-TekkenTim, KYC Jelly AKA Kill Yo Crew

